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Implementation SimCLR Model


I. End-to-End Model Training Process

II. NT-Xent Loss

III. LARS Optimizer

I. End-to-End Model Training Process

flowchart LR

    subgraph task01[Pretext Task]

        A(((x))) --> |AG'| x_1([x_1])
        A(((x))) --> |AG'| x_2([x_2])

        x_1 --> en01[base encoder]
        x_2 --> en01

        en01 --> |feature map| h_1{{ h_1 }}
        en01 --> |feature map| h_2{{ h_2 }}

        h_1 --> |MLP'| z_1[[z_1]]
        h_2 --> |MLP'| z_2[[z_2]]

        z_1 --> |LN'| linear{linear layers}
        z_2 --> |LN'| linear


    subgraph task02[Downstream Task]
    inputs(((x))) ---> |inputs| en02[base encoder]

    en02 --> finetune{{ fine_tune }}
    labels(((y))) ---> |labels| finetune

    finetune --> |evaluation| eval01{Precision/Recall/F1}

    en01 --> en02

(+) Model training process consists of two main tasks

a/ Pretext task

  • Stage 01: Using the unlabeled dataset (\(x\)), apply augmentation techniques (AG') as random crop resize and color distortion, gaussian blue to create two views, view1 (\(x_1\)) and view2 (\(x_2\)). Positive pair are \((x_1, x_2)\).
  • Stage 02: Leverage the pre-trained model like ResNet50, ResNet101, VGG19 and InceptionResNetv2 on IMAGENET dataset as feature extractor for augmented dataset obtain the feature map \((h_1, h_2)\).
  • Stage 03: In this stage, a linear layer is applied (MLP') as a projection from the feature map to the embedding space. Use 32/64/128 as the output dimensions of the projection for experimentation.
  • Stage 04: Training the model using the transformed dataset in the embedding space, leveraging NT-Xent loss to optimizer positive pairs and maximize negative pair. After the training process finished, retain the base encoder and throw away (MLP').
  • Stage 05: Finally, evaluate the model's performance by using a linear classifier (linear evaluation protocol) and training it on labeled data.

b/ Downstream task

  • Stage 01: Choose the models with the best performance after being evaluated in task 1, then fine-tuning these on labeled dataset (\(x, y\)) for classification task.
  • Stage 02: Evaluate the model's performance using classification metrics such as Precicion, Recall and F1-score.

II. NT-Xent Loss

a/ Explanation and formula

The SimCLR model uses NT-Xent loss (normalized temperature scaled cross entropy loss). We have a data point set \(x = [x_1, x_2,\dots, x_n]\). By default, the SimCLR model generates two versions of each input data point using augmentation methods. As results we will have 2N data points. Suppose a data point \(x_1\) is augmented into two versions \(x_i\) and \(x_j\), which considered a positive pair. Then the loss function of examples \((x_i, x_j)\) is defined as: $$ l(i, j) = l(j, i) = -\log \frac{exp(sim(z_i, z_j)) / \tau}{\sum_{k=1}^{2N} \mathbb{1}_{[k \neq i]}exp(sim(z_i, z_k)) / \tau} $$

Then, the loss function for all data points is: $$ \mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \left[l(2k-1, 2k) + l(2k, 2k-1) \right] $$


  • \(z_i, z_j\): outputs of \(x_i, x_j\) after feature extracted by the projection head.
  • \(sim(z_i, z_j)\): represents the cosine similarity between these vectors.
  • \(\tau\): temperature parameter.

(+) The goal of NT-Xent loss : NT-Xent loss optimizers the unsupervised model by learning strong representations, where points from the same class are grouped closely together, while points from different classes are clearly separated.

The \(\tau\) parameter plays a crucial role in controlling how the model distinguishes between positive and negative pairs, and how it learns embeddings.

  • When \(\tau\) small, the model will put more focus on pushing negative pairs further apart, leading to clearer separation between positive and negative pairs.
  • When \(\tau\) larger, the model becomes less focused on the negative pairs, helping the model to learn more flexible representations, but may reduce its ability to precisely distinguish between negative pairs.

b/ Manual calculation example

Suppose we have a data set \(x = [x_1, x_2]\) as inputs. With batch size of 2, after applying augmentation techniques, two augmented views are generated: \(v_1 = [x_{1i}, x_{2i}]\) and \(v_2 = [x_{1j}, x_{2j}]\), where each view represents a different augmentation of the corresponding input data.

Positive pairs is \((x_{1i}, x_{1j})\); \((x_{2i}, x_{2j})\). Below, cosine similarity matrix of all the examples.

\(x_{1i}\) \(x_{2i}\) \(x_{1j}\) \(x_{2j}\)
\(x_{1i}\) 1 0.63 0.77 0.70
\(x_{2i}\) 0.63 1 0.67 0.84
\(x_{1j}\) 0.77 0.67 1 0.64
\(x_{2j}\) 0.70 0.84 0.64 1
  • Stage 01: Filter the value cosine similarity of positive pairs: \((x_{1i}, x_{1j}) = (x_{1j}, x_{1i}) =0.77\), \((x_{2i}, x_{2j}) = (x_{2j}, x_{2i}) = 0.84\) and throw away the diagonal of cosine similarity matrix are always 1. With \(\tau = 1\), a new cosine similarity matrix is created below.
\(x_{1i}\) \(x_{2i}\) \(x_{1j}\) \(x_{2j}\)
\(x_{1i}\) - 0.63 - 0.70
\(x_{2i}\) 0.63 - 0.67 -
\(x_{1j}\) - 0.67 - 0.64
\(x_{2j}\) 0.70 - 0.64 -
  • Stage 02: Combine the positive pairs and negative pairs.
\(x_{1i}\) \(x_{2i}\) \(x_{1j}\) \(x_{2j}\)
\((x_{1i}, x_{1j})=0.77\) - 0.63 - 0.70
\((x_{1j}, x_{1i})=0.77\) 0.63 - 0.67 -
\((x_{2i}, x_{2j})=0.84\) - 0.67 - 0.64
\((x_{2j}, x_{2i})=0.84\) 0.70 - 0.64 -
  • Stage 03: Applying the softmax function to transform the cosine similarity values into probabilities.Consider the positive pairs as label 0, and the rest as label 1.
\[ S(z_i) = \frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{K} e^{z_j}} \]


  • \(e\): is represents the exponential of the logit
  • \(K\): is the number of classes

Compute the softmax values for each row in the matrix.

=> \(S_{r1} = \left [\frac{e^{0.77}}{e^{0.63} + e^{0.77} + e^{0.70}}; \frac{e^{0.63}}{e^{0.63} + e^{0.77} + e^{0.70}}; \frac{e^{0.7}}{e^{0.63} + e^{0.77} + e^{0.70}} \right] = [0.3569; 0.3103; 03328]\)

Similarly, compute the softmax values for the remaining rows in the matrix. The vector \([0.3569; 0.3103; 0.3328]\) consists of softmax values, with the first element being the probability of the positive pair. Therefore, by applying cross-entropy, we can calculate the loss for each positive pair.

=> \(l(x_{1i}, x_{1j}) = -\log(0.3569) = -1.0303\)

Conduct computation of the loss for the remaining positive pairs. Finally, the loss function on the batch is:

=> \(\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{4} \left[l(x_{1i}, x_{1j}) + l(x_{1j}, x_{1i}) + l(x_{2i}, x_{2j}) + l(x_{2j}, x_{2i}) \right]\)

III. LARS Optimizer

(+) What is LARS optimizer ?

LARS (Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling) is an optimization algorithm, specifically designed for the training large-scale deep learning models, particularly in scenarios involving large-batch training. It addresses issues related to non-uniform learning rates across layers, ensuring faster convergence and improved stability during training.

When the training large-scale models with large-batch, the ratio between the norm of weights and gradients varies significantly across layers. Besides slow or unstable convergence. To address these problems, LARS introduces layer-wise learning rate, which are adapted for layer based on the relative magnitudes of the weights and gradients.

(+) LARS optimizer works

At each layer \(l\), the weights of the model updated by LARS as follows: $$ \Delta w_{t}^{l} = \gamma \cdot \lambda^{l} \cdot \nabla L(w_{t}^{l}) $$

where \(\gamma\) is a global learning rate and \(\lambda^{l}\) is a local learning rate, defined for each layer through \(\eta\) (trust coefficient \(\eta\) < 1): $$ \lambda^{l} = \eta \cdot \frac{||w^l||}{||\nabla L(w^l)||} $$

LARS can be used to balance the local learning rate and the weight decay term \(\beta\), and then applied to the update process, then \(\lambda^{l}\) is defined: $$ \lambda^{l} = \frac{||w^{l}||}{||\nabla L(w^l)|| + \beta \cdot ||w^{l}||} $$

Momentum helps prevent the weights from updating too rapidly and reduces oscillations during optimization. The momentum for layer \(l\) at step \(t+1\) is updated as follows: $$ v_{t+1}^{l} = \mu \cdot v_{t}^{l} + \gamma_{t+1} \cdot \lambda^{l} \cdot (||\nabla L(w_{t}^{l})|| + \beta w_{t}^{l}) $$


  • \(v_{t+1}^{l}\) is the momentum at step \(t+1\) for layer \(l\).
  • \(\mu\) is the momentum factor, typically between 0 and 1.
  • \(v_{t}^{l}\) is the momentum at the current step \(t\) for layer \(l\).
  • \(\gamma_{t+1}\) is the local learning rate at step \(t+1\).
  • \(\nabla L(w_{t}^{l})\) is the gradient of the loss \(L\) with respect to the weights \(w_{t}^{l}\) at step \(t\).
  • \(\beta w_{t}^{l}\) is the weight decay term (L2 regularization).