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Cervical Cancer Cytology


Weekly task progress summary of the cervical cancer research project, including:

  • Short and long term research tasks on models, techniques and methods for cellular image analysis.
  • Analyze and research prominent papers to identify solutions for the project.
  • Compile notes, slides, paper links and related source code

Weekly Task Progress

Deadline Name Status Description Paper Links Resources
2024/09/16 - 2024/11/16 Ensemble Learning for Cervical Cancer Cytology (--) Researching ensemble learning methods for cervical cancer.
(--) Compare the performance between individual and ensemble model.
N/A [Slides] [Code]
2024/09/23 Methods for Preprocessing and Data Split for Multi-Classification (--) Researching the preprocessing and data split techniques.
(--) Implementation these methods on cervical cancer datasets.
N/A [Slides]
2025/01/06 - 2025/01/13 Self-Supervised Model Learning (--) Overview the Self-Supervised Learning topic.
(--) Introduction to the outstanding model of Self-Supervised Learning: SimCLR.
(--) Researching the aspects of SimCLR model: architecture, I-O data, loss function, fine-tune strategies, etc.
[PP] [Notes]
2025/01/06 - 2025/01/13 Implementation SimCLRv1 Model (Part 1) (--) Building and designing the SimCLR model: backbone, loss function, fine-tuning, augmentation techniques, etc.
(--) Conduct quick experiments and evaluations on a small subset of the cervical cancer dataset.
[PP01] [PP02] [Slides] [Notes] [Code]
2025/01/13 - 2025/01/19 Implementation SimCLRv1 Model (Part 2) Progress (--) Expand experiments on various strategies and approaches: transfer learning, fine-tuning.
(--) Conduct detailed evaluations of the results and compare the effectiveness of different methods.
N/A Pending

Including quick links folder of project: resources and research paper

Resources 🖇

Research Paper


The cervical cancer dataset from Hospital A in Thai Nguyen includes images of both common and rare cancerous cells.

Atlat Datasets

Password: BenhvienAThaiNguyen